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Описание Interprofessional Rehabilitation

Interprofessional Rehabilitation: a Person-Centred Approach is a concise and readable introduction to the principles and practice of a person-centred interprofessional approach to rehabilitation, based upon a firm scientific evidence base. Written by a multi-contributor team of specialists in physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing, psychology and rehabilitation medicine, this text draws together common themes that cut across the different professional groups and the spectrum of health conditions requiring rehabilitation, and sets out a model of practice that is tailored to the specific needs of the client. Showing interprofessionalism at work in a range of clinical contexts, the book argues that effective rehabilitation is best conducted by well-integrated teams of specialists working in an interdisciplinary way, with the client or patient actively involved in all stages of the process. This book will be essential reading for students preparing for practice in an increasingly interprofessional environment, and will be of interest to any health care practitioner keen to understand how an integrated approach to rehabilitation can benefit their clients.

Рекомендуем к прочтению

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Комментарий к нормативным правовым документам, регулирующим порядок определения степени тяжести вреда, причиненного здоровью человека
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