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Описание Going Global

Praise for Going Global «The very concept of globalization is evolving, and this book provides a useful toolkit to those who want to capitalize on the opportunities that the global workplace offers.» —Wayne F. Cascio, Ph.D., editor, Journal of World Business, Robert H. Reynolds Chair in Global Leadership, University of Colorado, Denver «A very timely and useful look at the global workplace and how talent should be managed in it.» —Edward E. Lawler III, Distinguished Professor, University of Southern California «The time has long past when we, in organizational psychology, can confine our research and practice to North American settings. This book is timely and will provide an important resource for those who are interested in the global application of our tools and principles.» —Gary P. Latham, Secretary of State, Professor of Organizational Behaviour, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto «A book that fills a gap: This is one of the rare books that provides HR professionals with insights that are not only up to date from a technical perspective but truly practical and relevant in a global workplace.» —Michael Liley, partner and global HR director, Ernst & Young The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) is a 7,000-member division within APA. The Professional Practice Series provides practitioners and students with guidance, insights, and advice on how to apply the concepts, findings, methods, and tools from I/O psychology to solve human-related organizational problems.

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