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Описание Evidence-Based Pediatric Oncology

The new and updated edition of the renowned reference for pediatric oncologists This groundbreaking text on the management of childhood cancers covers most tumor types occurring in children and young adults and provides reviews of randomized trials with commentaries on the optimum treatments for childhood cancer. Updated with evidence from the latest published reviews—and even more clinically focused than previous editions— Evidence-Based Pediatric Oncology, Third Edition places an emphasis on application of the trial findings. With increased coverage of the area of supportive care for pediatric cancer patients, each chapter opens with an expert commentary on the key clinical issues followed by a summary of trial findings. Evidence-Based Pediatric Oncology, Third Edition: • Presents evidence for the best treatment of children and adolescents with cancer • Includes commentaries from the world’s leading experts for every topic discussed • Is internationally relevant thanks to contributions from the UK, US, Canada and Australia • Places greater emphasis on supportive care and features a new extended section on antibiotic and antifungal treatments Based on information gathered from randomized trials performed after the release of the Second Edition, readers will find Evidence-Based Pediatric Oncology to be an important resource for all those treating young people with cancer.

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