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Описание The Cervix

At over 600 pages, with more than 400 illustrations and photographs this text spans everything from embryology to the emotional trauma women undergo when their cervix is removed at hysterectomy. This is also the most up-to-date text in the field – The editors have referenced work to 2006(and will continue to until the text goes to press), whilst still including all the classic research material and images where appropriate. Essential for gynecologists, oncologists, basic scientists especially those involved in HPV (viral)research, GPs, nurses, colposcopy prctitioners, and sexual transmitted disease doctors The only definitive major clinical reference book published on the cervix for thirty years Including the most up-to-date research on HPV including up-to-date vaccine trial data Highly illustrated in colour including many surgical procedures Spanning the entire field from embryology to cancer to emotional trauma International editorship, with leading names in the field Cervical cancer is the second biggest cause of female cancer mortality worldwide and therefore relevant to the developing and developed world Specific chapters related to management of cervical cancer in the developing world Summaries of recommendations by international bodies including the IARC conference (Lyon 2004), dealing with cervical cancer diagnosis and treatment The Editors, Jordan and Singer, are the co-founders of the British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology

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