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Описание Targeted Therapy in Translational Cancer Research

Targeted Therapy in Translational Cancer Research for the Translational Oncology series provides a comprehensive overview of recent developments in our understanding of tumor biology, elucidates the roles of targets and pathways involved in carcinogenesis, and describes current state-of-the-art anticancer therapy, as well as the most promising areas of translational research and targeted therapy. Introduces cutting-edge ‘bench to bedside and back’ breakthroughs which have transformed the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of cancer Covers basic principles of targeted therapy, including immunotherapy and the roles of cancer stem cells, the microenvironment, angiogenesis, epigenetics, microRNAs, and functional imaging in precision medicine Summarises major advances in therapeutic management of hematologic malignancies and solid tumors using conventional therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, or novel treatment modalities

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