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Описание Angel's Peak

Four years ago, air force sweethearts Franci Duncan and Sean Riordan reached an impasse. She wanted marriage and a family. He didn’t. But a chance meeting proves that the bitter breakup hasn’t cooled their sizzling chemistry.Sean has settled down in spite of himself—he’s not the cocky young fighter pilot he was when Franci left and he wants them to try again. After all, they have a history…but that’s not all they share.Franci’s secret reason for walking away when Sean refused to commit is now three and a half: a redheaded cherub named Rosie, who shares her daddy’s emerald-green eyes. Sean is stunned—and furious with Franci for the deception.News travels fast in Virgin River and soon the whole town istaking sides. Rebuilding their trust could take a small miracle—and the kind of love that can move mountains.

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