Описание 5 Steps to Successful Selling

Great salespeople are made, not born.  The world's foremost producer of personal development and motivational audio programs now offers master motivator Zig Ziglar's secrets of sales success.  You've heard about &quote;natural-born salespeople&quote; – those super salespeople who seem to perform intuitively and succeed effortlessly. In 5 Steps To Successful Selling, Zig Ziglar shows you that those success stories result from study and observation rather than inborn talent. They are the result of mastering the art of selling. Now you can master those techniques and perfect your own selling skills – skills that will take you from being a good salesperson to being the best. A super salesman himself, Zig Ziglar draws on his many years of experience to define and explain the keys to successful selling:   Prospecting: identifying who can and will buy  Presenting: knowing the product and showing it effectively  Closing: winning the sale  Follow-up: maintaining customer contact  Positive self-image: the foundation of success in selling   After learning the 5 Steps To Successful Selling – whether you are a beginner or a seasoned veteran – you can't help but come away a better salesperson.
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