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Описание Model Policies and Procedures for Not-for-Profit Organizations

What every not-for-profit must know about accounting, tax, and reporting requirements In the challenging world of not-for-profit management, executives are held responsible for virtually every aspect of their organization's activities, such as legal issues, marketing, lobbying, editorial, membership operations, budgeting, and, of course, finance. For one person to be an authority in every area, however, is virtually impossible. Completely revised and expanded, the Fourth Edition of this invaluable tool is useful as a guide to nonprofit accountants, financial managers, and executives new to the area of financial management. Addressing the accounting, internal control, and office administration issues that confront executives in nonprofit organizations, this book: * Helps professionals develop formal policies in accounting and finance * Shows how to strengthen an organization's financial procedures while assuring board members that they are meeting fiduciary responsibilities * Provides more than 200 sample policies and forms both in the book and on the accompanying Web site offering downloadable and customizable versions of those forms * Covers major topics including accounting and financial policies, office administration policies, and internal control and risk reduction policies * Contains dozens of new model accounting and financial policies and forms, covering Sarbanes-Oxley issues, codes of ethics, identity theft, fraud, binding arbitrations, compensation committees, new bank rules, fiduciary obligations of board members, and many more topics Model Policies and Procedures for Not-for-Profit Organizations, Fourth Edition offers provocative strategies for financial management and serves as a road map to sound fiscal and organizational structure for nonprofit organizations.

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