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Описание Human Resource Policies and Procedures for Nonprofit Organizations

Get the tools you need to build a successful human resource management system! Learn about organizational policies and procedures, nondiscrimination/affirmative action, recruitment, hiring, termination, compensation, supervision, employment conditions, administration, and volunteer policies–the framework for developing a comprehensive human resource management system for paid employees, volunteer workers, and outsourced work. This practical guide has handy features like a customizable CD-ROM full of sample policies, procedures, and forms that can be easily adapted to individual nonprofit organizations of any size, and it uses checklists extensively, enabling you to perform a step-by-step implementation of a complete, up-to-date human resource management system.

Рекомендуем к прочтению

От общественной организации к гражданскому обществу - Сергей Минутин
От общественной организации к гражданскому обществу
Сергей Минутин
More Hesselbein on Leadership - Джеймс Кузес
More Hesselbein on Leadership
Джеймс Кузес
В строю поколений. Отечества ради. - Коллектив авторов
В строю поколений. Отечества ради.
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Аудиокнига Умножение государства. От самоустранения к экспансии - Юрий Сапрыкин
Умножение государства. От самоустранения к экспансии
Юрий Сапрыкин
Model Policies and Procedures for Not-for-Profit Organizations - Группа авторов
Model Policies and Procedures for Not-for-Profit Organizations
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Not-for-Profit Accounting, Tax, and Reporting Requirements - Группа авторов
Not-for-Profit Accounting, Tax, and Reporting Requirements
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Model Policies and Procedures for Not-for-Profit Organizations - Группа авторов
Model Policies and Procedures for Not-for-Profit Organizations
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The Tax Law of Unrelated Business for Nonprofit Organizations
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